I thought about writing a post highlighting our Christmas activities, but realized it would be incomplete if I did it now because we have one last party to attend. For several years now it's been our tradition to celebrate Christmas with Ken's family on New Year's Day. So, the comprehensive Christmas post will have to wait another few days. Instead, I thought I'd share some Nikon D5100 photos and, if Blogger will let me, maybe one of the first videos I shot with it. We'll see. Blogger doesn't always like me. The camera has a bunch of "Effect" settings. These are too fun. I really like the "selective color" mode. I can tell the camera to capture up to three separate colors. In the first picture, I selected green only. While the tree is quite obvious, you can also see the frames on the wall have green mats as well. The red in the wreath is pretty. I really liked this one. Luckily, my won...