You never know who will be the first person out of bed on Christmas morning. It might be me or it might be one of the boys. It's never Ken. Except this year it was! He got up early to start making homemade chocolate chip cinnamon for our Christmas breakfast. I turned on the Christmas tree and banister lights before making my morning chai tea latte. Gage, who had heard cupboards opening and dishes clanking together, came down and sat on the love seat. Last to get up this year was KC, who definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed. How can anyone get up on the wrong side of the bed on Christmas morning!? Eventually, the dough was set aside to rise and we were ready to open presents. As always, we start with stockings. It usually takes two people to get them down - one to untie the ribbons holding them in place and one to hold the stockings so that gravity doesn't win. Gravity usually wins at least once. Also, as per...