Grocery shopping for our house/dog sitter. I'm thinking pizza rolls, cookies, frozen pizzas, ice cream, chips, and pop. Healthy, right? Hey, he's eighteen. I don't think he's concerned with calorie counting. Laundry. I'll probably need all of tonight, tomorrow and Sunday to get caught up. If there is such a thing. I should probably wash the bedding, clean the bathrooms, and give the floors a once over. Doesn't that sound like fun? Pack my clothes. Pack the boys' clothes. Charge the electronics. Five hours or more on the train will require a significant amount of battery life. And just in case the batteries die, I'd better stuff books, paper and pens into one of the carry-ons. Make sure Ken has the train tickets and hotel info. Find tripod. I'm sure there's a few more things I'll think to add to that list between now and Monday. It's a good start, though!