At the campground itself we had football, ice cream, swimming, and campfires. We only took the kids to the pond on Saturday, though, because none of us moms were all that impressed with the beach. It was nasty on the toes, if you know what I mean. Slimy. Of course, that didn't stop the kids from having a blast.

When the kids weren't swimming, they were either riding their bikes or playing touch football with their dads. I don't know how the dads could stand the heat, but they managed. The only problem being that my hubby thinks he broke his toe -- open-toed sandals are not condusive to football, not even two-handed touch football!

Of course, camping isn't camping if there's no campfire for unwinding. Strangely, my kids didn't sit around the campfire once. They were so worn out by the end of the day that they happily took their showers and settled down with a movie for the night. (Air conditioning and movies! Now, that's camping!) Even worse, we microwaved the s'mores. I know I should feel ashamed of myself, but I don't. Sometimes mommies need breaks, too! That particular night it was a production line of s'mores, showers, and cartoons. The sooner the kids were down, the sooner we could escape to the campfire and some uninterrupted adult conversation!

All in all, I'd say we had a lovely weekend. My brother made it home from Iowa for the long weekend, my sister bought a weekend pass so she and her kids could join us whenever they wanted, and we had so many visitors I can hardly name them all.
The only rain cloud in the story comes in the form of the unhappy neighbor. This family pulled in the day after us and had some issues. He didn't like our cars, our bikes, or my dogs. Well, too bad for him. Every car there had a pass issued by the campground. The bikes were gone just as much as they were underfoot and, more importantly, they were never left on his site. As for the dogs, they only barked a handful of times and never for long because we were always nearby. Of course, since he made the mistake of complaining to my sister about all this, we weren't exactly as quiet at night as we would have been otherwise. Subtle revenge, it's good for the soul.
Of course, the weekend couldn't last forever and we had to pack up Monday morning. I wanted to thoroughly clean the camper, which meant washing all the bedding. I also wanted to make sure the hubby and I would have work clothes this week. Add to all that the fact that it was the night before my boys began a new school year. Busy, busy, busy!
How about you? What did you do this weekend?
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