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Holiday Plans

There's so much I want to accomplish. I want to finish my novel. I want to read a half-dozen books between now and the first of the year. I want to get my Christmas scrapbook up-to-date. I want to watch movies and Christmas specials. As you can see, there's a lot I want to do.

The nice thing is the only thing I need to do and don't much feel like doing is wrapping the Christmas presents. Bah! Humbug! I hate wrapping gifts. They always look terrible, so much so that a two-year-old could probably do better. Seriously, people, I've used parts of anatomy that shouldn't be used to hold paper in place while I wrestle with the tape dispenser. (Minds out of the gutter, please! I'm talking elbows and toes here...)

I should also make sugar cookies at some point in time. My sister is planning on doing it over the weekend. Maybe we should combine efforts and mess... I'll have to talk to her about that. Of course, Saturday will be difficult because our mom will be making her Christmas rounds and we have a Christmas party to attend that night with my dad's extended family. Busy day!

I'm also hosting the annual Oyster Stew dinner on Christmas Eve. We usually have pizza on hand for those who are revolted by the slimy soupy concoction that somehow became a family tradition. (Apparently this tradition was started by my great-grandmother on my dad's side of the family way back when...) This year the alternative meal is going to be Cheesy Potato Soup. Yum!

After everyone leaves we'll open our Christmas jammies. Then we'll need to sprinkle the reindeer feed in the front lawn. Maybe we should do the sprinkling before we do the unwrapping. Something to consider...

After Christmas I'm sure we'll all be busy playing with our newest toys. Yes, even us adults. In fact, I've already got one of my new toys and have been sucked into endless hours of gaming. Final Fantasy XII is so much better than Final Fantasy X-2! So I'm sure I'll spend several hours over the holiday break leveling up and advancing the storyline.

The last of our holiday parties falls on the Saturday after Christmas. We'll be spending the day with our in-laws, playing games and eating.

That pretty much sums up what my holiday plans are..what are yours? Do you have any traditions you must fit in?


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Maybe you should take the kids over to your sisters house Tuesday night and make some cookies. That way your husband can wrap gifts before his surgery.

    Hint, hint.

  2. Ah...

    I could at least go visit for a couple hours. Sugar cookies take FOREVER to do.

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I didn't say you had to frost them...just bake them. You can always bring some home and frost them with the kids later.

  4. So, would you say FFXII is a good game, then? :)

    Actually, don't answer that. I need to get through Odin Sphere before I can think about starting another many-hour game.


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