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Showing posts from November, 2015

Life with Facebook

I both love and hate Facebook for what it brings into my life. The Positives: I've been able to reconnect with long-distance friends and family members.  There are the high school friends that I haven't seen since graduation.  Then there are the aunt and uncles, the cousins, that I might only see at sporadic family reunions, weddings, or funerals.   I really appreciate that I get to learn about their daily interests, their struggles and triumphs. It makes me feel connected to those I wish I did a better of job of interacting with on a daily (weekly?  monthly? yearly?) basis.  I get to keep in daily contact with the people I do see on a regular basis. Apparently, I just can't get enough of them!   Pictures.  Oh, how I love pictures! I get to see newborn babies, adorable pets, messy kids, sassy teenagers, sunsets, sunrises, beaches, mountains...oh, the list goes on and I am glad that it does.  Silly memes.  Funny memes.  Go...

Some Thanksgiving Humor

This post was inspired by a Book Riot post . Given my love of both wine and books, I thought I'd poke a little fun at myself. The first glass of wine.... I'll probably go with something safe because I will still be sober.  I'll try to persuade my brother- and sister-in-law to read this science fiction book because its 80s pop culture references are not only fun, they're a bit nostalgic.  Also, there's a puzzle to be solved and who doesn't love puzzles! The second glass of wine.... I'll still be sober. After finding out if they're watching the new Super Girl television program, I'll move on to other iconic female characters, which would remind me of a book I read recently that retold some of the most famous princess stories. The SIL will humor me, while her hubby wonders if the wine has already gone to my head when I try to persuade him to read it, too. The third glass of wine... I'm going to be feeling this one.  Wine is po...