Reading is many things to me. It's entertainment and education. It's the broadening of mind and spirit. It's escapism. Looking the books I read in January, I can see how each of those elements is represented in my reading choices. Harry Potter was pure escapism. Reading it was a chance to get reacquainted with old friends, to ride alongside in an adventure I could fully anticipate because it was well known and comfortable, even in its saddest moments. And that last book is so very sad! Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's We Should All Be Feminists was meant to broaden the mind and spirit by exploring the challenges faced by women around the world. I discovered that while we still have a ways to go here in America, Nigeria seems to have an even longer road ahead of it when it comes to equality for all. Little slights or outright abuses need to be addressed and rectified whenever necessary. What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypot...