Oh, boy. I just finished reading this here book and, boy, was it painful! So much so that there were several times I almost marked the book DNF; Did Not Finish, for those of you unfamiliar with the terminology. Pure will power kept me going. That and a refusal to let a book I was really struggling to understand defeat me. Pride. It cometh before the fall, yes? Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics by Richard H. Thaler was recommended to me by an economics professor here at the university where I work. It was one of many titles, actually, that he provided when I sent him a note in the middle of 2016 presidential election asking for books a newbie like myself would be able to grasp. I explained to him that despite two degrees I had somehow managed to avoid taking a single economics course and had decided it was well past time for me to get a basic understanding of some general principles. He sent back this list: ...