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Showing posts from December, 2016

No-bake Cookies

I'm afraid I'm going to lose this recipe. For this reason, I decided I would take some pictures and write it down here. Directions: In a large pot on the stove top, combine the sugar, butter, milk, vanilla, and cocoa. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Add peanut butter, stir until melted.  Add oats.  Stir until mixed.  Remove from heat and drop onto wax or parchment paper.  Size of cookies will be determined by how big a spoonful is dropped. Allow to cool and harden. The ingredients Son stirring and stirring and stirring.  A fast boil.  Don't let it burn, though! The peanut butter has been melted.  Time for oats. The dough. Cookies! Cohesive enough to not crumble!

2016 Reading Challenge Overview

In January I posted about my 2016 Reading Goals. This is a check-in to see how I did.  If you didn't click on the link above, here's a brief summary of the goals:   1) I wanted to read my own damn books in an effort to reduce the TBR shelf. 2)  Read some of the Kindle Freebies I've downloaded. 3) So, there's the recap.  Here's the progress made.... Item #1:  I have read quite a few books that I owned prior to 2016.  Looking through my Goodreads challenge widget, these titles meet the requirement.  Item #2: There were only a few books that fit into this category.  Not nearly as many as there should have been, though, as I am a compulsive downloading fool in the Kindle bookstore.   Item #3: As you can see I didn't finish a book my mom loves, which would be the Bible.  I tried.  I made decent progress into the Old Testament before I got distracted by, well, everything else.  T...