I've always enjoyed playing video games. I remember fighting with my brothers for my fair share of playing time with our rather limited Atari collection. I don't even remember the games. PacMan, maybe. Space Invaders. Centipede. Pong. I don't quite remember the year we got the Atari system, but I'm thinking I had to have been anywhere between ten and thirteen. In my memories, my brothers are young. They're sitting in the dining room, chairs in front of the small tv my dad had let us hook the thing up to. The big TV in the living room was reserved for his viewing pleasure. At least, these are what my rather diminished memories recall. My brother, BJ, has an elephant's memory and can likely paint a more complete picture, but I'm not about to call him and ask. We'll just go with I was young and we had a small collection of games we all like to play. Not my photo. Click here to go to original locat...